___ Live . Smile . Love ___


Mid- Valley ^^

yestersay went to Mid-Valleyy wif  mum & sis
afternoon we go !
we arrive at there 3:30 pm
that was a parking place for we x)
we find douu gehh , damn lucky !
we in the jusco 1st , bcuz there hv SALE
we buy douu RM100 ++ inside , include my new bottle inside =)
at night , we went to ate mc Donald
chicken burger , ii lovee it !
and then my sis went to buy ice - cream to eat , mine is vanila <3
ii was taking manyy picha there
so can't upload many at here
please click the website then uu cann see that photo in mine facebook =)


my sis was buying a skirt that was RM103
damn expensive ><

and ii hv buy a new bottle & school beg
that school beg was mum buy for me , thx mum , muack !

& we hv buy a big present for cousin Tze Xian
she hv a Birthday Party in her house this Saturday ♥
damn excited =D

back now , 10:00 pm night <3

= = = = = = = = = = =

ii hv t.sina ady , fast go to add me =)



damn HATE 2010 gehh Holiday
always stayy in home , damn sienzz ><



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tq comment ``` mwakii