___ Live . Smile . Love ___


record back mine memory .......

owhhhh ! tomorrow skull again 
but nevermine , bcoz Holiday is coming soon !
Happy? no ,wanna go to tie teeth ady [scare coz will pain ><]
i will gonna to wear a mask when out wif frenz ''

tomorrow wanna pulang balik all the teks book to skull
my hand will gonna to broken bcoz of heavy
will take the Form3 teks book back home too !
bcoz the teacher wanna we study in home `
would we do that action ? [  anwser : No! ]
no babe online in mine msn today
all tidurr at home x]

= = = = = = =  record the nicee memory (; = = = = = = 

hehe , that is mine picha went I'm form1 xD
so funny picha @@



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tq comment ``` mwakii