___ Live . Smile . Love ___


Surprise babe ANT !

Today is mine beloved babe ann ant BIRTHDAY
how can ii forgot this important day ?!
she is a very leng luii girl
she is a very famous leng muii in skull x]
and hope she really can leng luii and famous all the time x]
just now ii just post to her facebook
and say to her [[ HAPPY BIRTHDAY ]]

foto we take when was in CARMEN LOW house - 2009 ♥

ii kenal dia 1years 9months only
but me ady put she as mine best frenz & best babe xD

♥ foto we take when we was in timesquare ; mine birthday day (=

At last , i is saying to she ady to giv her a present when skull open (;
a ant ! love uu so much xDD
mua ... muah <3

write by babe chian (=



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tq comment ``` mwakii